
Monday, 29 September 2014

Day 27 - Work Home Balance

As we head into a world where we are all accessible 24-7 we need to be more and more aware of how much we are available to others.  We need to set the limits or others will.  As educators our job is never done.  There is always books to mark, feedback to give, professional development to be done, resources to organise, meetings to attend, extra curricular activities to go to, and the lis goes on.  We are humans too who have families, interests or hobbies, and need "me" time as well.

Reflecting upon how much time I spend working is always beyond the limits of me being present at school between the hours of 7.45am till 5pm.  I remember when I first started teaching my tutor teacher said to me to never go in during the weekends only if you absolutely have to - it took me two years to learn that lesson! It took even longer to get the balance right.

Now I spend 3/4 of the time of my weekends with my family, if it is really busy at school then I will get up earlier to get work done so I can be present for my family.  School holidays I spend at least 1 week with my family and the other for me time and work.

If I am to give anyone some advice for getting the work and life balance, with or without children:
- give your self set times for when you are done and stick to it
- use your time before and after school wisely
- sort out morning and afternoon routines, write up your board, print/photocopy, gather resources
- prioritise your work, what is the most pressing?
- be forward thinking, know what is coming up so you are prepared
- tomorrow is another day, the work can wait!

We are only human and we all need time to unplug and just be.

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